Objective: Evaluate cost-effectiveness of telehealth with remote monitoring for postpartum hypertensive disorders from the hospital's perspective.

Methods / Measures: A decision tree was developed using results from a non-randomized controlled trial comparing telehealth to standard outpatient blood pressure monitoring. At discharge, postpartum women with a hypertensive disorder received a Bluetooth tablet, blood pressure monitor, and scale to submit vitals daily for 6 weeks. Women were managed and treated with a standard protocol. We performed a cost-effectiveness analysis using data from the hospital, device manufacturer supplied charges, and utilities. A cost-effectiveness threshold was set at $100,000/quality-adjusted life years. One-way and two-way sensitivity analyses were performed to evaluate the robustness of our results compared to baseline assumptions.

Results: Telehealth monitoring significantly reduced postpartum readmissions, 3.7% (8/214) versus 0.5% (1/214), and resulted in higher quality-adjusted life years. Telehealth monitoring was cost-effective and cost-saving. Average cost of telehealth per patient was $309, and was cost-effective to a cost of $420 per patient. Telehealth monitoring remained cost-effective down to an admission cost of $10,999 compared to our baseline-estimate for the average admission cost of $14,401. Telehealth monitoring also remained cost-effective when the postpartum readmission rate was 3.0% or higher with standard monitoring. With a cost saving of $93 per patient and an estimated 333,253 pregnant women with hypertension in the US a year, telehealth could reduce health care costs in the US by approximately $31 million a year.

Conclusions: This study demonstrates telehealth with remote blood pressure monitoring may be a cost-effective and cost-saving solution for management of postpartum hypertension.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/14767058.2021.1956456